Explore my free library of thoughtfully curated videos designed to target areas of tension and pain, invite calm, and restore your sense of strength and vitality.

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  • Core Activation Flow

    Core Activation Flow

    This 60-minute practice is designed to activate your inner corset; a deep layer of core musculature called the Transverse Abdominus or TVA.

  • Deep Core Support

    Deep Core Support

    Learn about a little known group of muscles called the Multifidi and how they could be the missing link in easing your low back pain and strengthening your core.

  • Oblique Activation

    Oblique Activation

    Your internal and external obliques provide vital support for the low back, hips, ribcage, and shoulders. When our obliques are long and strong they can prevent strain during our daily lives by providing the deep structural support needed to do things like twisting, lifting, and even rolling over in bed at night.
  • Psoas Activation

    Psoas Activation

    This exercise is designed to strengthen the deepest layer of your core musculature called the Transverse Abdominus (TVA) and activate the Psoas, your biggest strongest hip flexor.

  • Butterfly Curls

    Butterfly Curls

    Did you know that your inner thighs are connected to your deep core by way of a fascial meridian called your Deep Front Line? Strengthening the inner thighs will help keep the pelvis stable and can greatly reduce back and hip pain.

  • Spiral Crunch

    Spiral Crunch

    Tap into the support of your spiral line through this core integration exercise that will strengthen and lengthen the tissues that cross the belly, providing key postural support for the ribcage and pelvis.